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About Me

My name is Jerry Teague, former student of A.R. Johnson Magnet School. I am currently a student at John M Tutt Middle School. I was born on April 22, 2005. I've always been in pursuit of a technological career. I've always had a love for computers, since a young age. I've never really been the perfect student, though. I ran head-first into trouble last year, and my dreams of A.R. Johnson were over. I got sent to alternative school. But, I'm in regular school now, and I am taking computer classes again. Even without a A.R. Johnson record, I believe I can make my way to Georgia Southern, and get my dream computer job. I've learned so much from A.R. Johnson and from here, and I will use that knowledge to pursue my goals. Here's my email, please message me when you can!  You can also check out the PowerPoint!                                                                                                      

All About Me
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